Congratulations! You completed the 3-day Messy Handwriting challenge!

What's Next?

Pick the path that's best for you and your student(s).

OPTION 1: For Parents

OPTION 2: For OTs & School Educators

For Parents

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For OTs & School Educators

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Not Sure Which Path Is Best For You & Your Student?

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Get a personalized consult from Polly Benson and find the best solution for you and your student(s).

Legiliner inventor & CEO

polly benson - OTR/L

Polly Benson is a licensed Occupational Therapist in Atlanta, Georgia. She has 30+ years of experience treating pediatric patients in multiple settings.
She earned her degree in Allied Medicine from The Ohio State University. She is the inventor and creator of LegiLiner teacher stamps.

See For Yourself...

What OTHERS HAVE SAID about Polly & Legiliners

Mandy M.

"After just a couple of days of using these new tools and strategies, we are doing fantastic! I am so excited about the progress I am seeing and in just a few minutes a day. Its been so easy! The biggest thing I've noticed is the enthusiasm my son has for working on his writing. He thinks its fun and its a game and it doesn't feel like work and its building his confidence."

Deirdra R.

"Ultimately my son was able to write in both print and cursive legibly and more importantly, without the pain, fatigue and cramping he had been experiencing due to improper pencil grip!"

"Polly’s professional knowledge and passion for her skill shines through in all conversations I’ve had with her. Professionally and personally, I am able to go to her for anything OT related, whether it was in my classroom or a private student I am working with. She is always willing to listen and give applicable advice you can use immediately. She’s attentive and will brainstorm a multitude of ideas to accomplish the goals of handwriting. I’m so grateful to have Polly in my corner."

Sarah C.

"We love partnering with companies that are all about bringing goodness and joy to others and to the world. After I demonstrated LegiLiner on a recent Right Road Kids Facebook Live, I asked Right Road team member Marcie if she would like it for writing support for her special needs daughter - and she literally squealed with joy! Thanks to LegiLiner for bringing so much positivity to kids, teachers, parents and the world! THANK YOU LegiLiner for your terrific self-inking stamps and for joining us to help teachers help their students on the Right Road to learning and success!"

Paula P.

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*Disclaimer : In summary, you understand that we make absolutely no guarantees regarding your student's progress as a result of applying this information, as well as the fact that you are solely responsible for the results of any action taken on your part as a result of any given information. In addition, for all intents and purposes you agree that our content is to be considered "for educational purposes only". Always seek the advice of a Doctor or professional Occupational Therapist when making treatment decisions for delays or deficits.